
The Eclipse

Living out of a Picnic Basket We are ticking-down to our last moments in Portland, and the preparations are reaching a fever pitch. We’ve spent the past few weeks sleeping on the floor, eating fast food, and pulling all-nighters in order to wrap up Andy’s work obligations. Oh, and it[…]

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Indian Beach, Ecola State Park

Escape From Packing It’s been a whirlwind year, marrying and combining our households… then deciding to relocate back to Southern California. All the cleaning, packing, and selling most of what we own is starting to wear us to a frazzle. We’re still both working, but our house is just about[…]

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Spirit Falls: The Big Announcement

Setting the Scene Now that the whirlwind of our daughter’s high school graduation has passed, our recent impromptu announcement that “we have an announcement” has us thinking about an appropriate backdrop to drop our news. The obvious choice: Spirit Falls on the Little White Salmon River in Skamania County, Washington.[…]

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A Three-fer Saturday Up The Gorge

Gorge of Wonders The Columbia Gorge is stupefying in its beauty! The mouth of the Gorge is defined by Mount Hood on the Oregon side, with a breathtaking array of waterfalls walkable in flipflops just off I-84. Sadly, this is as adventurous as many Portlanders get. It’s a beautiful sunny[…]

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