
Tamanawas Falls Stuffed Sandwiches

Few things satisfy the hardy appetite worked up in a good hike like this sandwich!

I recommend you make it the night before so it’s pressed down compact, and the flavors have a chance to blend.

This is the sandwich I originally made for our hike to beautiful Tamanawas Falls.

Tamanawas Falls Stuffed Sandwiches

This is a "choose-your-own-adventure" sandwich! The meats and cheeses can be almost anything, but I go for maximum color. Cut in wedges, it makes a dramatic presentation!
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Prep Time 1 day
Course Picnic
Cuisine American
Servings 4


  • 1 Loaf Sourdough bread Hollowed-out
  • ½ lb Sliced cheeses
  • ½ lb Sliced deli meats
  • 1 cup Mixed greens
  • 2 tbsp Basil fresh
  • 1 Onion
  • Various Roasted veggies tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplant, etc.
  • 2 oz Vinaigrette


  • Day before serving hollow out the inside of the bread (save for stuffing or croutons)
  • Roast veggies for 30-45 minutes at 350 with olive oil salt/pepper (This is especially important for tomatoes to keep them from making the bread soggy.)
  • Drizzle the vinaigrette on the inside of the hollowed out bread
  • Line the inside top and bottom of bread with sliced cheese (The cheese prevents sogginess.)
  • Add the roasted tomatoes next
  • Continue layering veggies and lettuce, placing the deli meats in the middle
  • Bring the top and bottom together, wrap sandwich in wax paper, then plastic wrap crisscross with rubber bands
  • Place in fridge overnight with something heavy on top to press it down
  • Next day cut loaf into up to 8 wedges, wrapping each secure with a tooth pick if needed, put in Ziplock bags.


A few steps taken in assembling ahead of time will minimize ending up with soggy sandwiches, especially since everything is made the day ahead of your party or picnic.
Keyword cheese, deli meat, sandwich, sourdough
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!